Modern civilisation has almost made us forget about Man’s humble roots as a highly developed animal. And yet survival of the fittest is as powerful a concept for us all today in our daily lives as it is for the simplest of animal societies. Whilst being the best is no longer essential for us to avoid death and destruction, or eviction from the gene pool, achieving our dreams and aspirations requires us to compete head on with our fellow man, whether that be physically, tactically, intellectually or politically. The physical athleticism of this piece depicts the strength, stamina and commitment it takes for us all to reach our goals in whatever is our chosen field. The form exudes power and determination to reach the top.
We do not live lives as individuals; we have to survive in a very complex society that often requires us to do things we would rather not, just to stay afloat. The pointless toil of pulling the rope up from nowhere reminds us of the effort required carrying out mundane tasks that sometimes make us feel we are just treading water. What’s at the end of the rope? Will there be a worthwhile prize for all the effort, or are we just part of a chain gang, working away with no end in sight?
Many of us change direction completely at one or more stages of our lives. The decisions around this are usually fraught with turmoil, and it generally takes great strength to drop out from something familiar and make a fresh start. This strong and powerful figure is falling backwards, balancing precariously on one hand as he leaves the comfort of his former position, unsure of what is to come but desperately trying not to fall completely from grace.
We are all complex individuals in a very complex society. Some of us appear to fit in much more easily than others, but what are we hiding about ourselves to achieve it? The best relationships are based on openness and honesty, and yet politics often prevent us from being truly open and free. This piece is in fact a self-portrait of the artist who has experienced many changes in his life. Struggling with his sexuality in his early years forced him to present only a small part of himself to the outside world. This piece was conceived after numerous incarnations and with a sense that he was finally ready to unfurl and show his true self to the world.
Sometimes in life, going unnoticed is the best course of action. Keeping a low profile and staying out of the way can often be exactly what is required for a successful and happy life. There are times for action and times for just laying low. The soft feminine curves and feline characteristics of this piece offer a sense of soothing tranquillity to our otherwise hectic lives.
When you’ve reached your goals, you know it and even if for just a moment, you can sit pretty and enjoy the fruits of your labour. This piece represents the pinnacle of our successes. We can be proud, confident, relaxed, composed, and ready for whatever life might throw at us. No matter how short lived these moments may be for us, we all deserve them and should make the most of every one.
With all life’s ups and downs, successes and failures, it is important to take the time to just live. Be proud of who you are, be proud of what you do, just be.
We do not live life in isolation, we have to interact with the world around us. This comes much more easily to some than to others, but giving a little of yourself always reaps rewards.
As we move forward with assured confidence, a brief glance back reminds us of where we have come from and ensures that we learn from the past.
Despite the ever increasing pace of life, there are always those occasions when we have to wait for something or someone, so we might as well just get comfortable, relax and allow the time to pass.
Life is great. We all have something to offer. Something to feel good about. Something to be proud of. Taking time to reflect on these things makes us stronger, more balanced individuals with so much more to give to the world.
The world provides for us in many different ways. Some things are provided to us on a plate, some we just stumble upon and others, we work hard to make for ourselves. The hunter instinct is very strong in us though, which makes the things we seek out through stealth all the more exciting.
Not everything in life goes as smoothly as we might like. If something is bugging you, it is much better to just let it out and move on.
There is something new to learn every day about life, about ourselves, about the world we live in. Many of us lead such hectic lives on a roller coaster of activities, responsibilities and emotions that we forget to take time to process all the things that are going on around us. A little time each day to look inside ourselves is all it takes to put some order into all that chaos.
We all face moments in our lives when we have to move on from where we are and step into unknown territory. Some of us do this with enthusiasm and energy, whilst others may stand on the precipice for far too long before taking that first cautious step. But for all of us, there is always that moment of indecision.
As children, we look forward to growing up as quickly as we can. Each birthday takes us a step closer to independence and makes us bigger and more powerful than our younger contemporaries. As we grow older, we benefit from experience, knowledge and understanding, but there comes a turning point however when the continuing mental and emotional improvements are counterbalanced by the inevitable deterioration of the physical form, and we look back with envy on our youth and innocence.
There is something new to learn every day about life, about ourselves, about the world we live in. Many of us lead such hectic lives on a roller coaster of activities, responsibilities and emotions that we forget to take time to process all the things that are going on around us. A little time each day to look inside ourselves is all it takes to put some order into all that chaos.